It’s always a cause for concern when puppies eat grass, especially among first-time puppy owners because the grass is always associated with inducing vomiting. The irony is that some puppies seem to love eating grass so much.
Others seem drawn to eating it almost naturally. Could it be another natural thing that can’t be explained? Is grass even safe for puppies to eat? Why do they eat it in the first place? Find out more below.
It might surprise you, but even dogs are naturally attuned to grazing out in the fields on their own. And while they are at it, some get used to eating the grass. It all comes down to the natural diet for dogs, which has always been varied and included grass — despite our limited choices for dog food today. Dogs are identified as omnivores, which means they can also eat fruit and veggies/plant matter alongside meat. That explains why your pup might show interest in both raw and cooked vegetables just as much as meat.
In some cases, grass works as an emetic for the puppies. Such pups usually don’t eat grass on the daily — they only do so when they suffer from stomach ailments. They use the grass to trigger the expulsion of their stomach’s contents.
Some experts believe that pups are attracted to grass for its flavor and texture. They may randomly discover that grass is edible one afternoon but will end up staying because of the natural flavor and grass cuticle texture. This aligns with the earlier suggestion that dogs are naturally predisposed to finding grass attractive as food because they are natural omnivores.
So, is it healthy for pups to eat grass? Actually, yes. Eating grass can be good for your pup, especially since it enables vomiting in case of poison consumption. There are also ongoing studies aiming to show whether or not grass really offers pups the extra vitamins and trace elements that artificially manufactured food doesn’t provide enough of.
For your pup’s safety, you have to ensure that the grass in your lawn and your neighbors is free of chemicals. You also have to keep it clean and free of poop, materials they could choke on and other detrimental items.
Why then do some pups vomit after eating grass?
Unlike the pups that chew on grass to induce vomiting, some vomit right after eating grass. That is usually a sign of gastric irritation or just a natural bodily reaction, such as an allergic reaction. For some pups, vomiting is a sign of another existing problem — which may not necessarily involve grass.
When is it dangerous?
When your pup suddenly starts grazing frequently and vomits more often, experts recommend a vet examination. A sudden inclination to eat grass followed by frequent vomiting can be a sign that your pup should get off the grass. It can also highlight an existing illness that needs immediate attention.