5 Healthy Drinks You Can Make With Kratom Powder

Whether you’re using kratom powder to relieve back pain, reduce anxiety, or alleviate stress, the fact still remains — it tastes a little gross.

So what can you do to still get all kratom powder’s benefits, minus all the yucky flavor?

Hide the taste by putting it in a delicious recipe, of course! And what better way than in a nutritious beverage?

Here is a list of the top five healthy drink recipes that will make it so you don’t even notice that bitter aftertaste, but still get all the benefits of your kratom leaves.

5 Healthy Drink Recipes with Kratom Powder
These easy-to-sip tasty drinks will go down quick, so you can experience your kratom’s side effects fast without suffering through the bitter flavor.

1. Coffee

Nothing kills every other flavor like a good, strong cup of jo! That black liquid gold has the ability to overpower anything.

Add lots of flavored creamer or milk to cut the bitter taste even more. You won’t even notice a difference in your morning routine!

2. Orange or Grapefruit Juice

These powerfully flavored citrus juices help mask any other flavor, including kratom. If you can get over the green color it turns your juice, you won’t even notice much of a difference in taste!

Pro tip: sip your juice with a straw out of a colored cup. It will help trick your brain!

Just mix it in and let it sit until your powder dissolves. This will get rid of that gritty texture.

3. Lemon Tea

Try boiling your powder to make a tea! Here’s how:

  • Add two cups of water to a small sauce pan
  • Let it come to a simmer
  • Add kratom powder
  • Let it dissolve
  • Strain through a coffee filter
  • Add a squeeze of lemon and tablespoon of honey
  • Not only does lemon, which is on many lists of foods that detox the body, help cut the flavor but it also helps extract the alkaloids from the kratom.

4. Chocolate Milk

Everybody needs their daily calcium dose. Why not have it with your kratom? And better yet, add chocolate!

Mix the powder into a tall glass of brown cow milk to not only get your chocolate fix but mask the flavor of your kratom completely. Keep in mind, not all kratom tastes the same. You can find different types for sale at The Kratom Connection; find the one that best suits your taste and needs.

5. Fruit Smoothie

Make a yummy smoothie with your kratom powder! You can have a snack and get your dosage in at the same time.

Some great flavors that cut the bitter taste are mango, blackberry, and peanut butter banana.

Use yogurt and frozen fruit for a thicker, creamier smoothie. Alternatively, you can use fresh fruit and milk for a smoothie that’s quicker to drink.

Crafty Kratom Success

You’re ready to experience all the good things about kratom herb without any of the yuck!

With so many statistics for symptoms which can be aided by the consumption of kratom, such as the fact that over 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety, it’s no wonder the herb has increased in popularity.

Use these five healthy drink recipes to consume kratom and get relief, but also mask its taste.



eZineInsider.com Food: 5 Healthy Drinks You Can Make With Kratom Powder
5 Healthy Drinks You Can Make With Kratom Powder
eZineInsider.com Food
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